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Stockbridge Business Association

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Mission: Connecting local businesses and community stakeholders to support business growth and development that honors the history and culture of Grand Rapids' WestSide, and works toward a creative and inspiring vision for the future where everyone is welcomed.  

In a nut shell, we’re here for developing relationships!

Vision: A vibrant and diverse business community that contributes to a thriving neighborhood where all people have the opportunity to prosper.


In the mid 1970s, the Community Development Citizens’ Committee (CDCC) recognized the serious problems that the neighborhood business districts were having. Upon recommendations from the CDCC, the City Commission voted to allocate $30,000 in funds specifically for the Stockbridge area. The funds became available in 1979. At the same time, a community organizer from the John Ball Park Neighborhood Association (JBPNA) surveyed the business district. In fall of 1979, a committee was formed and tasked with using the survey to identify the best use of the allocated funds.

Members from JBPNA, the West Central Business Association (WCBA), and the City ramped up efforts in 1981 to develop a plan for the Stockbridge area. Plans were drawn up, estimates for implementation were prepared and the Stockbridge Business Area Plan was published by the City’s Planning Department in 1983. Since this time, the Stockbridge Business Association has been working with the surrounding community to enhance their business district.


Technically our boundaries are as far north as 7th Street, as far east as the Grand River, as far south as Lake Michigan Dr. and as far west as Valley Ave. NW. (and surrounds areas) So that means you can join!


Jessica Gutowski-Slaydon, President, Swift Printing

Jessica Gutowski-Slaydon is the third-generation President of the family-owned Swift Printing Company, based in Grand Rapids. With deep roots in the city, Jessica and her family have a particular fondness for the WestSide, especially Bridge Street. Passionate about her community, she firmly believes that "a high tide lifts all boats" and consistently seeks opportunities to uplift her neighbors and friends. She also serves as an elected official for Cannon Township.

Ryan Waalkes | Executive Director | Bridge Street Ministries

Ryan is the founder and executive director of Bridge Street Ministries, a faith-based urban youth development organization headquartered right here in Grand Rapids' West Side.  He is also a 20 year resident of the West Side and is passionate about advocating for good development that benefits the entire community, and building bridges between the business community and the neighborhood.

Claire Colley, Economic Growth Program Manager, Grand Rapids Chamber

Businesses, Nonprofits & Government Members:

Adobe Mexican Kitchen (New Member Jan ‘24)

Albatross Aviary, (New Member Jan ‘25)

Ambit Development Studio

AliciaMarie Belchak (New Member July ‘24)

Bridge Street Market

Bridge Street Ministries

BroadLeaf WestSide

Broadway Grand Rapids (New Member Oct ‘24)

Calder News (New Member March ‘25)

Cellar Bird Books (New Member Oct ‘24)

Clarity Realty


Cornerstone Architects - (New Member Jan ‘24)

Downtown Grand Rapids Inc.

El Granjero

Elks Lodge

Fans of Valley Field (New Member March ‘24)

First Micro Greenery LLC - renewed Jan ‘24


Grow Hub GR

Grand Rapids Children Museum (New Member March ‘25)

GRSymphony (New Member Oct ‘24)

General Wood Shop

Help Pregnancy - renewed Jan ‘24

Holland Litho

H&S Companies

John Ball Area Neighbors

Kent County (New Member November ‘24)

Küsterer Brauhaus

Leonard Wernette-Leff (New Member May' ‘24)

Lewandowski's Market

Lucas Leverett

Mercadito (New Member Nov ‘23)

My City Home Loans, Inc (New Member May ‘24)

Rockford Construction

Steepletown (New Member July ‘24)

Stockbridge Apartments: a community of ICCF Community Homes (New Member Nov ‘24)

Swift Printing Co.

Talbot Development (New Member Feb ‘24)

Urban Soil Realty (New member March ‘24)

West Grand Neighborhood Association

West Side Smoke Shop (New Member Dec ‘23)

Word Out Influence (New Member Sept ‘24)

WYCE and the Community Media Center

Won’t you join us?

Photo credit: LUCAS LEVERETT